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10 Relatable Things That Drain Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) possess a unique trait that sets them apart from others. They have heightened sensory processing sensitivity, which means they are more attuned to stimuli in their environment. While being highly sensitive can be a gift, it also comes with its challenges. In this article, we’ll explore 10 common things that tend to drain highly sensitive people and offer insights on how to navigate these challenges.


Highly sensitive people can easily become overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, and crowded spaces. Overstimulation can quickly drain their energy and leave them feeling exhausted.

Negative Environments:

HSPs are deeply affected by their surroundings, including the energy and emotions of the people around them. Negative environments, such as tense workspaces or toxic relationships, can drain their emotional reserves.

Emotional Intensity:

Highly sensitive people experience emotions with great intensity. While this can be a source of depth and richness in their lives, it also means that they may feel emotionally drained after particularly intense experiences.


HSPs are sensitive to conflict and may find it challenging to navigate disagreements or confrontations. Engaging in conflict can be emotionally taxing for them and leave them feeling drained.

Lack of Boundaries:

Highly sensitive people are empathetic and compassionate by nature, but they may struggle with setting boundaries. Constantly giving without replenishing their own energy can lead to burnout and exhaustion.


Many HSPs have high standards for themselves and others. While striving for excellence can be admirable, perfectionism can be draining as it often leads to excessive self-criticism and stress.

Crowds and Social Events:

Large social gatherings and crowded spaces can be overwhelming for highly sensitive people. They may feel drained by the constant noise, movement, and social interactions.

Emotional Vampires:

Certain individuals, often referred to as “emotional vampires,” have a draining effect on HSPs. These individuals may be overly negative, dramatic, or demanding, leaving HSPs feeling emotionally exhausted after interacting with them.

Lack of Alone Time:

Highly sensitive people cherish their alone time as it allows them to recharge and process their thoughts and emotions. A lack of solitude can leave them feeling depleted and overwhelmed.

Sensory Overload:

HSPs are highly attuned to sensory stimuli, including smells, textures, and tastes. Experiencing sensory overload, such as strong smells or abrasive textures, can quickly drain their energy and lead to feelings of discomfort.

While being a highly sensitive person has its challenges, it’s important to recognize that sensitivity is also a strength. By understanding their unique needs and boundaries, HSPs can better navigate the world around them and protect their energy from draining experiences. Embracing self-care practices, setting boundaries, and seeking support from understanding individuals can help highly sensitive people thrive in a world that can often feel overwhelming.

Source Credits: myeasytherapy

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