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Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani: A Journey of Holistic Healing and Empowerment

Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani’s story is one of passion, determination, and a relentless pursuit of holistic health. Growing up in a large, industrialist family, Dr. Dhirwani was always the different one, with a deep fascination for reading and writing. Her dream of becoming a doctor was clear from an early age, and she courageously pursued it, becoming the first doctor in her family. Her journey didn’t stop there; she continued her education even after marriage, earning two master’s degrees.

Dr. Dhirwani’s medical career began at a charitable clinic, and she quickly expanded her practice to handle four clinics across Mumbai, including three private clinics under her own brand. Her clinical practice has always focused on providing holistic treatment, aiming not just to cure but also to prevent diseases. This holistic approach led her to delve deeper into the importance of diet in maintaining good health. She pursued a second master’s degree in dietetics, food, and nutrition, further specializing in clinical nutrition and medical nutrition therapy, particularly in onco-nutrition. Her research into ecologically viable and natural foods led her to discover the benefits of millets, culminating in the publication of her first book on the subject in 2022.

Comprehensive Services for Holistic Health

Dr. Dhirwani’s services reflect her commitment to holistic health. She offers homeopathy treatment for chronic lifestyle conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, migraines, arthritis, IBS, GERD, and various pediatric illnesses. Her expertise extends to treating skin conditions like psoriasis, acne, and vitiligo, as well as gynecological problems including fibroids, PCOS, and menorrhagia.

In addition to her homeopathy practice, Dr. Dhirwani provides nutritional counseling and diet assessments for both individuals and institutions, focusing on lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, uric acid, dyslipidemia, weight management, and PCOD. As a clinical nutritionist, she also consults in hospitals regarding parenteral and enteral nutrition for complicated cases. Her decade-long commitment to publishing science-backed content on her website has empowered countless individuals with knowledge on parenting, pregnancy, and nutrition, fostering healthier families and stronger bonds between parents and children.

Making a Difference in People’s Lives

Dr. Dhirwani’s impact extends beyond her clinical practice. She is deeply committed to women’s empowerment, providing meaningful employment opportunities through her company, TechnoMedix. By supporting women in their educational and professional pursuits, she helps them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Her website on parenting, pregnancy, and nutrition attracts over a thousand views per month, offering valuable information and support to readers. The positive feedback from her loyal readership and social media followers has inspired her to conduct workshops on women’s health, led by women doctors. These workshops provide a supportive platform for women to learn and grow, further amplifying Dr. Dhirwani’s influence in promoting holistic health and empowerment.

Inspiring Words of Wisdom

Dr. Dhirwani’s philosophy is encapsulated in her guiding quotes: “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” and “Eat less from a box and more from the earth.” These words reflect her belief in the power of natural, nutritious food to heal and maintain health.

Connect with Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani

To delve into Dr. Dhirwani’s comprehensive approach to holistic health and wellness, visit her clinic at Sunshine Homeopathy or explore her insights on Magic of Mom. For the latest updates and valuable information, follow her on social media: Instagram magicofmom_, LinkedIn Dr. Kruti Dhirwani, Facebook Magic of Mom, and YouTube Sunshine Homeopathy. Dr. Kruti S. Dhirwani’s unwavering dedication to holistic health and empowerment continues to inspire and make a profound impact on many lives.

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