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Embracing Transformation: Susan Olney’s Journey to Spiritual Healing

Meet Susan Olney, a dedicated mother, sister, friend, and the mother of two wonderful boys. Beyond these cherished roles, Susan is an evidential medium, spiritual coach, and energy healer with a profound calling to facilitate healing and transformation in others.

A Journey Unlike Many

Susan’s path to becoming a medium and healer is unique. Unlike many who are aware of their spiritual gifts from a young age, Susan’s spiritual awakening began in adulthood. She grew up as a “normal” kid without memories of seeing spirits or having childhood imaginary friends. It wasn’t until a period of profound personal loss and significant change that Susan’s spiritual journey began.

The Turning Point

Susan’s life took a pivotal turn when she moved across the country to California. In this new environment, without family or friends, she immersed herself in a culture of open-mindedness and spirituality. This immersion led to a day filled with synchronous events that marked the beginning of her spiritual awakening. It was clear to Susan that she had been brought to California for a much larger reason, one that included understanding her life’s purpose.

Embracing Her Gifts

Susan’s quest for understanding led her to study meditation, metaphysics, healing modalities, and yoga. During these studies, her natural abilities to communicate with the Spirit World emerged. Embracing these gifts, Susan dedicated herself to spiritual education, personal growth, and transformation. She has participated in countless courses, workshops, and development circles focused on mediumship, intuitive and psychic development, self-realization, and energy healing.

Certified Healer and Practitioner

Today, Susan is a certified Pranic Healer, Reiki Master, and Emotion Code® practitioner. She passionately embraces her role as an intuitive practitioner and conduit for Spirit, facilitating healing, understanding, and transformation in others.

Programs Offered by Susan Olney

Susan offers a variety of programs designed to awaken and develop your spiritual gifts:

Awakening Your Limitless Self: Discover the boundless potential within you.

Awakening Your Intuition: Learn to trust and hone your intuitive abilities.

Awakening Your Mediumship: Develop your mediumship skills and connect with the Spirit World.

Spiritual Coaching: Personalized guidance to support your spiritual journey.

Mediumship: Gain insight and healing through communication with the Spirit World.

Energy Healing: Experience profound healing through various energy modalities.

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Susan Olney’s journey from a “normal” childhood to becoming a gifted medium and healer is a testament to the transformative power of embracing one’s spiritual path. Her dedication to facilitating healing and transformation in others is truly inspiring. If you’re seeking to explore your spiritual gifts or need guidance on your healing journey, Susan’s programs offer a path to profound personal growth and understanding.

For more information about Susan Olney and her programs, visit her website and embark on your own journey of spiritual awakening and transformation.

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