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How to Incorporate Switchwords Into Your Daily Life to Eliminate Problems

Switchwords are a powerful tool for transforming your life. These unique words and phrases can influence your subconscious mind, helping you manifest your desires, eliminate problems, and improve overall well-being. Here’s how you can incorporate switchwords into your daily life to tackle issues effectively:

What Are Switchwords?

Switchwords are specific words or phrases believed to bypass the conscious mind and directly influence the subconscious. They were popularized by James T. Mangan in the 1960s, who discovered that certain words can act as switches to help achieve specific goals or solve problems.

How to Use Switchwords

Identify Your Problem

Start by clearly identifying the problem you want to address. Whether it’s stress, lack of motivation, financial issues, or health concerns, pinpointing the exact issue will help you choose the most appropriate switchword.

Choose the Right Switchword

Research or use intuition to select a switchword that resonates with your problem. Some common switchwords include:

TOGETHER: For unity and achieving goals.

DIVINE: For miracles and blessings.

COUNT: For attracting money and abundance.

LOVE: For improving relationships and attracting love.

CLEAR: For removing obstacles and negativity.

Repeat the Switchword

Consistency is key when using switchwords. Repeat the chosen word several times a day, either silently or aloud. You can incorporate it into your daily routine by saying it during meditation, while taking a walk, or just before going to sleep.

Practical Ways to Incorporate Switchwords


Combine switchwords with positive affirmations. For example, if you want to attract abundance, you can say, “COUNT. I am attracting financial abundance effortlessly.” Repeat this affirmation multiple times throughout the day.


Visualize the outcome you desire while repeating your switchword. If you’re focusing on health, imagine yourself in perfect health and vitality as you say the word “BE.”

Write It Down

Writing can reinforce the power of switchwords. Write your chosen word in a journal or on sticky notes placed around your home or workspace. Seeing the word frequently will keep it at the forefront of your mind.


Incorporate switchwords into your meditation practice. Focus on your breath and repeat the word silently. This helps to calm your mind and allows the word to penetrate deeply into your subconscious.

Combine with Daily Activities

Integrate switchwords into your daily activities. For example, while exercising, you can repeat the word “ENERGY” to boost your stamina and motivation. Or, while cooking, you can use “LOVE” to infuse positive energy into your food.

Overcoming Common Challenges


It’s essential to be consistent with your practice. Set reminders on your phone or schedule specific times during the day to repeat your switchwords.


Believe in the power of switchwords. Skepticism can hinder their effectiveness. Approach the practice with an open mind and positive expectations.

Switchwords are a simple yet powerful tool for addressing various life challenges. By identifying your problem, choosing the right word, and consistently incorporating it into your daily routine, you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind to eliminate problems and manifest your desires. Remember, the key is consistency and belief. Start with one switchword and observe how it transforms your life.

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