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Journey to Wellness: Unveiling the Phenomenon of Holistic Healing with Mayu

In the realm of wellness and self-discovery, there exists a captivating journey intertwined with energy healing, equine therapy, and mindfulness practices. Mayu, also known as Maria, from the serene landscapes of Menorca – Spain, has emerged as a beacon of holistic healing in Dubai, UAE, since 2014.

A visionary Marketing Director specializing in restaurants and wellness, Mayu’s quest for healing led her to establish Heal with Mayu and co-found Heal with Horses UAE. With a fervent desire to guide individuals towards spiritual growth and well-being, she integrates potent tools such as energy healing, mindfulness, coaching, and the transformative power of equine therapy into her practice.

Embracing advanced meditation techniques, Mayu aims to initiate individuals into the profound journey of self-exploration and introspection. Through international wellness retreats in idyllic settings across the globe, she invites seekers to embark on an enlightening voyage of self-realization and inner balance.

Mayu’s odyssey with equine healing unfolded with a calling to help horses recover from emotional and physical wounds. Through relentless research and the development of the unique MarzMethod, she uncovered the innate healing abilities of horses. Certified in healing and coaching with horses, her work extends to conducting transformative sessions in Dubai and Spain and hosting soul-nourishing retreats worldwide.

In the realm of energy healing, Mayu’s narrative takes a poignant turn following a life-altering brain injury in 2017. Reflecting on her past of constant busyness and stress, she realized the necessity of reconnecting with her spiritual essence. Immersed in the profound practice of Reiki, Mayu not only reclaimed her physical health but also deepened her emotional awareness, inspiring her to share the healing power of energy work with others.

“Reiki became my guiding light to metamorphose into a better version of myself,” Mayu divulges. Through her healing sessions, she unveils the transformative potential of energy healing, kindling a sense of wellness and harmony within each soul she touches.

Embark on a transformative path with Mayu and immerse yourself in the nurturing embrace of holistic healing, equine therapy, and mindfulness. Embrace the boundless opportunities for growth and healing that await on this empowering journey of self-discovery and well-being.

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