Corporate Wellness Package


@ Diksha Kamble
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Type of Session/Description :
The Corporate Wellness Package for Top-Level Management is a specialized program
designed to address the unique stressors and demands faced by executives. This
package combines holistic wellness practices with executive coaching focused on
expansion of the business and to enhance mental, emotional, and physical well-being,
leading to improved leadership and decision-making abilities.


Duration : customised according to the needs of the client


Purpose :
The purpose of this wellness package is to provide top-level management with tools and
strategies to manage stress, increase resilience, and maintain optimal health. It aims to
improve overall well-being, enhance productivity, and support effective leadership.


Process :
Conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand individual health and wellness
Develop a customized wellness plan that includes mindfulness, stress management and
spiritual techniques and healing modalities.
Provide one-on-one coaching sessions focused on leadership development, work-life
balance, and personal growth.
Offer workshops on topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and effective


Benefits :
Techniques and strategies to manage and reduce stress effectively.
Improved leadership skills and decision-making abilities.
Greater resilience to handle the demands and pressures of executive roles.
Better physical health through personalized nutrition and exercise plans.
Strategies to achieve a healthier work-life balance.


Ideal For :
Facing significant stress due to high responsibilities and workload.
Interested in enhancing their leadership and decision-making skills.
Looking for personal growth and improved work-life balance.
Committed to maintaining or improving their physical and mental health.

Product Enquiry

Corporate Wellness Package
Corporate Wellness Package



1st Floor, Thadani House
329/A Worli Village
Mumbai 400030

2-4 Exmoor Street, Unit 11D
London W10 6BD

117 W 9th St #520
Los Angeles, CA 90015

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