The story of my journey from a successful independent woman to today helping others heal started with being put in a place where I had no option but to follow this path, something I have come to realise is the way how the universe functions, if you continue to ignore the subtle signs that come your way.
The only way to describe my life before I came across energy healing is to use the word conventional. I was always a good student, continued to do well in my career in the Army, topping all my courses and scoring well in all my assignments. In Dec 2022, I decided to hang my uniform and move on to the civilian way of life (or how we refer to it in the Army). Luckily for me, I got selected in the first job that I applied for, got a good package and profile and moved to Navi Mumbai. Once I was here, I also managed to find a good place to stay, the office was close by, things seemed to be working just fine.
The reason I mention all this is because, I was under the delusion that it was all my doing. Why delusion? Well let me continue. At the time, I had two dogs and had a typical life style, where I spent my time either in office or going out or in front of the TV.
And then one day my dogs decided they did not want to stay with each other and started fighting with each other, to such an extent that I had to lock them in separate rooms. After a month plus of trying everything possible, from medicines to calm them, to trainers, behaviorists, animal communicators, when nothing worked I had to give my younger one up for adoption, thankfully to a dear friend. During this time, I had my first encounter with Energy healing when I approached an energy healer for healing my dogs. I mean even though I had no idea about what energy healing was, I did it because someone recommended that it might help. What can I say, I was desperate! It was during my conversation with that healer, where I was trying to explain the situation with my pets, that she said “ all that is ok, but what is happening with you?” and then she went on to explain to me how our pets usually are trying to show us what we ourselves refuse to see and a lot of times come into our life because they choose to do so, to help us, to guide us .
Oh! You can not imagine the horror of knowing that it was me and my unresolved issues that could lead to any kind of harm to my babies. And that is how, in utter desperation, to make things better for my pets, I decided that I would take a few sessions of chakra balancing. Again with zero knowledge of what is what! And here I am three years later, what started as something I wanted to do for my dogs, actually brought me my life’s purpose.
Again in my naivety, when I started on this journey,I remember telling my healer, now my guru, that I was aware I had issues to resolve and that I wanted to take a few sessions to get better.
Somehow, after my first session itself, in the desperation and helplessness that I was feeling over having to give up my younger one, I decided to learn my first healing modality so as to be able to practice self healing on a daily basis. And that is how I got introduced to Merlin Trinity Healing System.
From then on there was no turning back. Of course, initially I was lost. Nothing made sense and I remember I spent a lot of time crying and having long discussions with my healer. It also gave a sense of achievement, every time I successfully completed a level, appealing to my sense of accomplishment and my ego. I wouldn’t lie, there were also times when I felt pride over the fact that I was able to complete my healings without facing much difficulty.
But anyone who has experience with healing will know, that there is no place for ego, pride and such like things in the world of healing. The gurus and masters make sure, that while on this path, we remain humble and grounded. That is what happened to me about a year later. The tests and challenges that came my way. There is no other way to describe it, except that I was taken on a roller coaster ride, showing me how much I had to resolve within me, heal within me and the kind of humbleness that is required, if I chose to continue on this path.
The best way to describe the healing journey is the Symbol Unalome.
It describes the journey perfectly. The base symbolises the starting point of life. The criss cross lines that make up the majority of the image indicate the path that your life takes as you reach enlightenment. The straightening of the line symbolises becoming centred, wiser and closer to enlightenment. It also symbolises maturity and understanding that comes with life experience. The dots symbolise reaching one’s goals, freedom and enlightenment. It is a symbol of unique path of life.
As I continued to gain better perspective of my life and came into self awareness, I saw the immense benefits I derived from the work that I was doing on myself. My life took a 180 degree turn. From someone who was always tired or had something or the other affecting my health, who preferred to not smile and had over a period of time lost interest in a lot of things, I grew into someone who people approached to talk to, to share things and that was the start of my journey as a healer. What started as simply repeating what I learnt from my healer, it slowly turned into people approaching me to help them or be a medium for them to heal. The appreciation people expressed about how something as simple as what I had discussed in a podcast episode, showed me that it was time to spread this love and guidance that I was receiving. It has taught me self love and helped me realise my self worth. More than anything else, it has helped me be comfortable spending time with myself.
Today I am a certified holistic healer practicing and teaching multiple healing modalities. Merlin Trinity Healing System, Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, Healing with Angels and Akashic Records Reader are my expertise. Practicing all these modalities have made me proficient in Angel Card Reading, provide Distance Healing, Past Life Regression, Inner child Healing, guided Healing Meditation and Akashic Records Reading. I also am a spiritual coach who provides a safe environment to people to explore beliefs and experiences, to understand life patterns, heal generational trauma and align to their life’s purpose. In the last two years, I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to help people with all kinds of issues, life events, goals and spiritual awakening. I have been part of the journey of people ranging from some who are just looking to heal a particular situation or relationship to someone facing extreme mental health issues like hallucinations and depression.
Working with the people that I have, has led to the realization that just because someone is carrying their mountain well does not mean that it is not heavy. It has also resulted in humbling me further and bringing me closer to the basics of life- love and gratitude.
I can only hope that I continue to be able to work on myself and heal, at the same time be a medium to help people and guide them on their journey.
Healing is a journey and not a destination. I consider myself lucky that my soul chose to be on this journey and I have been given the opportunity to make a difference where it matters. Of course, since it is a journey, there are ups and downs and difficult times where you are forced to confront your shadow self. During these times, it is Sai Baba’s words that always get me through, “Shradha aur Saburi” meaning Faith and Patience.
Another quote that helps me not get intertwined into the daily drama, specially with people who have a tendency to drain your energy is “Not my Circus, Not my monkey” and considering that I have a job with one of the corporate firms, I often find myself repeating this during the course of the day.
And since I am someone who enjoys reading, I have a lot of quotes that I relate to and keep thinking about, but there is something that I read in one of the books from Fakir Series by Ruzbeh Bharucha which talked about how all of us have limited breaths but not everyone uses them to chant his name, meaning that a lot of times we waste our breath complaining and talking about what is lacking, when instead we can be spending time in gratitude and love. Instead of operating from our head, can be operating from our heart chakra.
After all, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin