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Embrace Your Inner Healer: A Journey with Kirsten Rhode

In a world where conventional methods of healing often fall short, Kirsten Rhode stands out as a beacon of transformative energy and intuitive guidance. As a globally recognized intuitive healer, Avatar Energy Healer, Channeler, and Psychedelic Integration Coach, Kirsten has dedicated over a decade to empowering individuals to take control of their healing journeys.

A Unique Path to Healing

Kirsten’s journey began at an early age. By the time she was 21, she was already honing skills that had roots in her childhood. Unlike many healers, Kirsten’s methods are not derived from books but from direct insights provided by her spiritual guides and experiences with plant medicines. This distinctive approach, coupled with her evidence-backed methodologies, sets her apart in the realm of spiritual and energy healing.

Moving Beyond Conventional Methods

Kirsten’s philosophy is centered on fostering self-sufficiency in healing. Her practices encourage clients to break free from dependence on external validation and to cultivate a deep, intrinsic understanding of their own healing capabilities. This empowerment is achieved through techniques that have been meticulously refined over the years, earning validation from both clients and medical professionals.

Transformative Retreats and Services

Renowned for leading transformative retreats worldwide, Kirsten’s expertise spans a wide array of healing modalities. These include:

Intuitive Life Coaching: Guiding individuals to tap into their intuition and make empowered decisions.

Psychic Healing: Addressing deep-seated emotional and spiritual wounds.

Past Life Regression: Uncovering and healing past life traumas.

PSYCH-K: Reprogramming the subconscious to overcome limiting beliefs.

Channeling and Remote Viewing: Accessing higher wisdom and insights.

Intuitive Development: Teaching others to develop their own intuitive abilities.

Kirsten believes that the brain functions as pattern recognition software. To change old patterns, we must consciously choose new programs, retraining our subconscious to overcome fear and hesitation. Central to her practice is the belief that all illness stems from unprocessed, stagnant energy. By removing this energy, healing naturally follows.

The Avatar Healing Method

One of Kirsten’s most profound contributions is the Avatar Healing method. Unlike traditional approaches that focus solely on the physical body, Avatar Healing addresses the avatar—our true, energetic self. This method facilitates acceptance and healing without resistance, fostering profound transformation.

Integrating Psychedelic Insights

Kirsten’s personal journey, marked by significant milestones such as earning a Bachelor’s in Psychology and navigating a transformative divorce, has deeply influenced her practice. Her work with powerful entheogens like DMT, Changa, Sassafras, and Psilocybin has been particularly impactful. Learning directly from these plant medicines, Kirsten has mastered the art of safe and heart-centered administration, bringing immediate positive changes to her clients’ lives.

Empowering Clients for Self-Healing

Kirsten’s ultimate mission is to empower her clients to recognize and harness their own healing capabilities. By removing outdated thought patterns and gaining insights from spiritual guides, clients can rewrite their stories and embrace a life of joy, energy, peace, and abundance.

Collaboration with Sevyn

Kirsten’s daughter, Sevyn, is also an extraordinary healer and channeler. Together, they provide counsel on interdimensional contact and channel information about spiritual guides, offering a unique blend of insights and healing that transcends traditional boundaries.

Join the Journey of Transformation

Kirsten Rhode invites you to join her on a journey of self-discovery and profound healing. Through intuitive readings, Starseed readings, gifts assessments, healing sessions, life coaching, entheogenic retreats, one-on-one coaching, and Avatar Healing, Kirsten offers a spectrum of services designed to transform lives. Whether you’re seeking to remove outdated thought patterns, refine your spoken words, or gain insights from spiritual guides, Kirsten and Sevyn are here to guide you every step of the way.

Embrace your inner healer and embark on a transformative journey with Kirsten Rhode. Discover the power within you to heal, grow, and thrive.

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